Saturday, December 24, 2016

Making Memories & CHRISTmas Video

Merry Christmas to you and yours!!

It has been a full year since I updated this blog regarding our family and my health.  As this year comes to a close we all reflect on what has happened and what we are thankful for.

The short story is - we are doing fantastic!  I have had several PET scans and CAT scans this year and each test has come back CLEAR.  Most days I feel "normal"; I sometimes tire easily, but that is most likely due to age not my past illness.  My next oncologist visit is in February. 

Each passing year includes highs and lows.  Our family had much to celebrated.  2016 brought the one year anniversary of discovering I had lymphoma.  Wow, am I thankful for my family doctor and a routine office visit.  This year included a birthday where my sister would have turned 50 and the birthday that I turned 47 - the age my sister passed away.  Each day is so very precious.  This year also included the one year anniversary of me being cancer free!

 I have lots and lots of very fluffy (with tight ringlets) hair that gives me a laugh each day.

We were thrilled to enjoy Spring Break in Hilton Head with Mark's family and an exciting summer trip with my Mother, Brother-in-law and family in Italy.  Making memories every day!

Avery is half finished with her senior year in high school and Alyse is a sophomore.  Both girls make us proud each day.  Mark is doing great and continues to keep us all on our toes.

We have many friends that have lost family members this year and we know they will be struggling with the "difference" this holiday brings.  We have many friends with family that were diagnosed with cancer this year and continue with treatment.  Life is hard. 

I have learned to be intentional.  Make time for friends and family.  Make memories.  Love the Lord.  Thank God each day for the simple things.  Lean on Him. 

We wish you the Merriest Christmas. 
Have fun!
Celebrate the birth of Jesus. 
Rest with the Lord - He is with us everyday.

"The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel" (which means "God with us").  Matthew 1:23

Merry CHRISTmas and have a HAPPY and HEALTHY 2017.

Christmas 2016 from Amanda Y. McBrayer on Vimeo.

Pisa, Italy    June 2016