Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Merry Christmas!
It is hard to believe that 2015 is coming to a close.  We are anxiously looking forward to a wonderful New Year; each and everyday is a wonderful gift!

I am continuing to enjoy my new retirement and some days I feel totally like my "old self".  I had a good checkup with my oncologist last week.  I'll see the radiation oncologist in January and have a 6 month PET Scan in early March.  Mark is doing great and the girls continue to make us very proud.  

In the Christmas story in the gospel of Luke we are told:
19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.  
Luke 2:19

I pray that each of us 'treasure' and 'ponder' not only during the Christmas season, but every day.  Treasure the gift of our Savior Jesus Christ.  Treasure the many blessing God has given us.  Treasure our family and friends.  Treasure wonderful memories of loved ones that are no longer here on earth with us.  We also need to ponder; ponder what it is that Christ is up to in our lives. Be still, listen, ponder.

Thank you again for helping our family during the unexpected events this year.  We are looking at every day events a little different these days.  We treasure them all.  We are so thankful to God for His healing, peace, and strength.  Praise God from whom all blessing flow!

We did not mail out Christmas Cards this year, but we did have a fun night at home.  
Merry Christmas from the McBrayers 2015 from Amanda Y. McBrayer on Vimeo.

Hope you have a laugh - we sure did.  
Merry Christmas!

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