Sunday, March 29, 2015

Round 2

My next chemo treatment will be Monday, March 30.  

Last week I really began to dread the next treatment; the thought of it and I would feel nauseous.  Red Gatorade would make me nauseous because it reminded me of Christmas Cheer.  I felt like a wimp because I knew I needed to be strong, get strong and get ready for Round 2.

At the midpoint between my treatments I had the perfect morning devotion.  My devotion shared that when your mind is focused on a negative, you do not see God's gifts.  I was focused on the side effects of the treatment and how it might make me feel; the nausea, the weakness and neuropathy, the sore mouth.  We should instead thank God for whatever is preoccupying our mind.  That morning I thanked God for the powerful medicines.  I thanked God that I had insurance to help pay for the medicine.  I thanked God that I was strong enough to take the medicine.  I worked to replace the 'dread' with 'thanksgiving.'  I have much to be thankful for.

Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High. Psalm 50:14

We had a lovely Spring Break Week on Hilton Head Island, SC.  We relaxed and I succeeded in 'bulking up' in preparation for Round 2 and gained 5 pounds.  (NEVER have I needed to gain weight, so this was good fun!)

I guess it is a lot like a boxing match.  You go in the ring and you might get beat up a bit in Round 1.  Your body gets a little break, but you must get ready for Round 2.  I am ready for Round 2 and I have the best coach on my side of the ring.  We got this!

I love the song "Overcomer" by Mandisa.  Mandisa says it best:

You're an overcomer
Stay in the fight ‘til the final round
You're not going under
‘Cause God is holding you right now
You might be down for a moment

Feeling like it's hopeless
That's when He reminds You
That you're an overcomer

I am thankful that right now I still have hair, but I will be ready if Christmas Cheer wins the battle for the hair - wonderful girl friends surprised me with a 'hat shower'.  
We are thankful that my bone marrow biopsy came back clean!
We are thankful for the many prayers offered on our family's behalf.  
We are thankful for friends and family taking care of us and helping us through each round.

Please pray for Mark, the girls, and I as we go in for Round 2 on Monday, March 30.

Thank you and much love!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Hair

My first treatment (Friday, March 13) went well.... I think. 

Again, we had a super sweet nurse (at Clearview Cancer Institute) taking care of us on what could be a very nerve wrecking day.  Thank you to the many people praying for us; I felt calm and ready as each new drug was administered.  One of my meds is nick-named "The Red Devil" because of it's bright red color and the 'wonderful' way it can make you feel.  Mark immediately told the nurse, "We are going to call it Christmas Cheer!"  We know how important it is to have a positive attitude and we are thankful for each of you encouraging us daily.

The first few days were not easy, but I feel much better now and the beautiful sunshine in North Alabama has certainly helped as well.  We are thankful for wonderful friends taking care of us while I felt the worst.  We are thankful that my strong Mother was with us to offer experienced advice.  It seems that each day brings a new side effect, but I am ready to tackle each one and learn something new before the next treatment.

Christmas Cheer is also the drug that will make me loose my hair.  I have had long hair forever.  Mark tried his very best to convince the doctors and nurses that I would not loose my hair, but it sounds like Christmas Cheer usually wins.

I have had shorter hair over the years.  Usually the shorter my hair, the wider my hair.

 I decided to be proactive and get my hair cut short before Christmas Cheer takes action.  I donated my hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths.  Beautiful lengths is a partnership between the American Cancer Society and Pantene.
Wow, I didn't remember my hair being so curly, but I am very pleased with my summer cut!

I work at an elementary school; I went back to work on Tuesday. I shared with the children at school what is going on and they were very supportive and love the summer cut.  I am so thankful for a special group of 'cleaning fairies' that show up in my computer lab each day after school to scrub away all the germs.  Employees at MES are the best!

Friday will begin our Spring Break.  We are extremely thankful that we will travel with Mark's parents for the week; it will be a great time with family relaxing and getting my energy up for the next round.

Prayer requests:
Side effects quickly diminish; I need to 'bulk up' before my next round which is scheduled for March 30.
I am able to stay healthy while working around children each day.
Mark and the girls as they learn to deal with a Mom that is not 100%.

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.   Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.            1 Peter 3:3-4               

Friday, March 13, 2015

It's Friday.....

It's Friday.... my first chemo treatment is today.

We had a very busy week, but everything went well.  I completed baseline test on my lungs and heart and met with my new radiation oncologist.  My "Power Port" surgery was Tuesday and must say I love Madison Hospital and their staff; we are thankful to have them in our community.  God puts people where you need them, when you need them.  A sweet nurse friend, Shari, was the nurse for the birth of Avery and Alyse.  We are thankful that she is at Madison Hospital and was with us for my lymph node biopsy and port install surgeries. 

Last Saturday I shared this blog.  Many more people became aware of what our family was facing.  Sunday morning I was a bit anxious as I headed to church.  I was anxious because I didn't want to feel like the "white elephant" in the room.

This song came on the radio.  I know that God speaks to me through song. 

I think it is "Friday" for the McBrayers.  We are at Friday in our battle against this disease, but I know Sunday is coming and boy is it going to be great!  I can't wait to see how God uses our family.

We were told "it looks like lymphoma" on Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent.  During Lent Christians try re-focus our lives to be more in line with Jesus.  During this Lent Season our family is certainly striving to be in line with the great things God has planned for us. 

Please pray for my body to stay strong and tolerate the chemo drugs today.

The verse for my devotion this morning:
 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Its Friday, but Sunday is Coming!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Here we go!

It has been two and a half weeks since the initial “Oh, Wow, what is that!”

This week we were told that I have Hodgkin lymphoma.  It has been tense at times, but we were blessed with several snow/ice days at home together and we are relieved that we know what we are dealing with after only 14 days; many people wait much longer.  We are thankful that things seem to be moving quickly.

My PET Scan showed that the affected area was only in the chest/neck area.  Nothing below the diaphragm; this is great news!  This type of cancer is treatable.  We are thankful.  My initial treatment plan is about 2 months of chemo and then a PET Scan to confirm it is killing the bad cells.  Then about 2 more months of chemo, followed by 3 weeks of daily radiation.  We are hoping that this does not put too much of a “hick-up” in our summer.  We so enjoy time hanging by the pool, relaxing at the lake and family fun on Pensacola Beach.

Yesterday I had a bone marrow biopsy.  They gave me the Michael Jackson sleeping drug; it worked great and Mark was happy I woke up.  We pray that nothing shows up in the bone marrow.

Next week is super busy with appointments to baseline my lungs and heart.  I will also meet with the radiologist and have the cath-a-port installed.  The first chemo treatment is schedule for Friday, 3/13. 

So, here we go!  Regretfully our family has a lot experience in this fight.  But we are strong, we have a GREAT God in our corner.  We got this!

Please pray for all the wonderful nurses and doctors we have met.
Please pray for our girls and my nieces and nephew, Mark, his parents and my Mother.
Please pray for strength for us this week through a busy schedule of appointments and procedures. 
Please pray that my body stays strong and that I tolerate the chemo drugs well.

Be joyful always.  Pray continually. Give thanks in all circumstances. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

We have so much to be thankful for! 
We are thankful for each of you offering prayers to our Heavenly Father on our behalf.

Much Love
Mark and Amanda