Friday, September 25, 2015

All Clear.... Plus some Violet

I had a PET Scan Monday, September 21, and Mark and I went to the appointment with my oncologist Thursday, September 24, to hear the results.  Appointment day was super emotional.  But the day ended with tears of joy!  Praise be to King Jesus!  My PET scan was clear! 

After my doctors appointment I went to Target for some "therapy".  I am a thrifty nerd and was using the Cartwheel App to check for coupons on the items I was purchasing.  I am certain that Cartwheel was the only App open on my phone, since I often make sure all Apps are closed to save battery (nerdy me). 

True story. 

I really can not make these things up.

As I stand looking at socks, totally out of the blue, my phone loudly starts playing a song.  Can anyone guess what song was playing? 
No. Kidding.........
"Stronger" by Kelly Clarkston was suddenly blaring in the middle of Target.  I have shared in the past how this was my sister's fight song.

Read about "Stronger" here.

So now, I am a crying lady, looking around for someone to share this moment with in the middle of Target.  I fumble with my phone and see that somehow Pandora has opened and started playing. 


I do not believe this was a coincidence.  It was an intentional reminder for me that I have a Big God and  Big Sister that are watching over me.  A God Moment. 

I love October and all the pink associated with it.  But, did you know that September is Lymphoma Awareness month?  I am excited to participate in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Light the Night walk in Huntsville.  Would you consider joining me? 


 I will have blood work checked in 3 months and another PET Scan in about 6 months.  Our family is so thankful for your support and love.  We are so blessed.

I pray that each of us look for the God Moments in our lives. 
I pray for friends and family that continue to battle cancer.
I pray that each of us continue to seek our strength from our Heavenly Father.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Psalm 46:1


  1. Hallelujah and Praise the Lord!
    So excited for you, Mark and the girls!
    Thanks for sharing your courageous and faith-filled journey with us.

  2. Amen! Hallelujah! And Praise the LORD!!! Oh, and did I mention Praise the LORD?! ;)

    I've had that song on my mind so much lately! No, I am not at all surprised that it started playing in the middle of Target. God is so BIG and has a great sense of humor! I am SOOOOOOO happy for you!!! Love you girl!!

  3. praise the LORD! God is So Good! Glasd to hear the great news.
