Thursday, May 7, 2015

Answered Prayers

I had a PET Scan last Friday, May 1.  It is always a strange feeling when a nurse enters the room with what looks like a secret metal box and inserts a strange liquid into your IV.  The nurse tells you that she will see you in one hour and then they close the door with the "Warning Radioactive" sign on it.

We met with my oncologist Tuesday, May 5, and received the great news that the cancer is responding to the chemo.  My PET scan showed no cancer activity in the affected lymph nodes.  This is very positive!  Thank you for praying for the chemo to kill the cancer.  Our prayers are being answered!

Mark and I had gotten our hopes up that chemo might be over.  But, I will need to do a couple of more rounds of chemo; but still less than the original plan.  We know that God has a plan and if more chemo is part of that plan, then we are ready.  I might not be excited about it, but I am moving forward and closer to completion.  Round #5 is schedule for tomorrow, Friday, May 8.  I will then celebrate the last day of school with Round #6 on May  21.  

Radiation Therapy was part of the original plan as well, but we are still uncertain based on the clear PET scan and discussions with the Oncologist if we will not do any or do a reduced dosage - we meet with the Radiation Oncologist Tuesday. Please pray for clarity, it may be a decision we make based on statistics and studies.

God gives us just what we need at just the right time and he uses friends and family as His tools.  I am blessed to be able to continue to go to school many days.  One morning last week there was a happy on my desk when I arrived.  This Willow Tree™ Angel of Courage was on my desk - at the perfect time.   I love her raised arms - raised in praise, victory,  and determination.  

I know we continue to say it, but THANK YOU for all of the prayers, kind words, meals, cards, support, and love.

Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. Psalm 27:14 

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