Thursday, April 30, 2015

What's Next?

Round #4 is behind us.  Mark's proclamation against the Red Devil, renaming it Christmas Cheer, seems to have scared it away a bit. (read about it here)  The nurses ask if I am wearing a wig and are surprised when I say "NO!".  I have lost a TON of hair, had to use Drano in the sink due to hair clogs, but am thankful for the blessing of thick hair.  I had a lot to lose.

I tolerated Round #4 well.  My Mother was able to be with us; things are always better when Mom is around.  I was much more tired after this treatment.  I have always been a good sleeper. But following this treatment I enjoyed 10 hours at night and a couple of 2 hours naps a day - I am definitely getting my beauty sleep.  I am getting more energy each day and I am trying to enjoy the beautiful Spring weather with a little walk in the evenings.  It is a different pace than I am accustomed too and I am still learning to stop and smell the roses.

While Mark and I were at my treatment last Friday a dear group of girl friends blessed our home.   I came home from the chemo feeling green, and my spirits were brightened to find scripture and encouraging words all around our house.  By the coffee pot, in the silverware drawer, on the mirrors, in the girls bedrooms, in the spice cabinet, etc.  You are not able to escape the nausea, but little signs from those cheering you on helps. 

I will have a PET scan tomorrow, Friday May 1, to determine how the cancer has responded to the 4 rounds of chemo.  Next week we will get the results and learn the next step of my treatment plan.  I feel selfish to wish that the chemo will end and that I can begin radiation.  I know God has the plan and it will be good.

Please join our family in praying for good results from the PET scan.  
Please pray that we are all prepared emotionally for whatever the next step of treatment will be.  

Thank You to everyone that has been with us each step of the way.  Delicious meals, uplifting cards, and sweet words mean so much!


  1. Amanda, Great strength from you and your family. Glad to hear the encouragement in your words and wish you and your family continued good vibes against the many challenges.

  2. Prayers are definitely heading your way! You are blessed by such good friends and so many people who love you! Including me! Blessings overflowing to you!
