Thursday, May 21, 2015

In Sickness and In Health

Round 6 will be Thursday, May 21.  A great way to celebrate our last day of school, don't you think?!  The hair continues to fall out, but WOW I had an extra blessing with a super full head of hair to begin with.  Every morning Mark looks at me and says "Huh, this might be it" (time to shave it off).  I will see my Oncologist next week and hopefully confirm what's next.  The doctors have given us permission to make some summer plans - so we are excited about that!

The first several days after a treatment I am extremely lazy and no fun to be around.  This Saturday, May 23, is our 23rd Wedding Anniversary.  We have decided to postpone the celebration until a later date.  

I have always loved Mark.  But my guy has stepped up to support me, love me, listen to me whine and hug me when I'm down.  He is going to meetings for me and drives the girls to activities that I normally do.  He is my cheerleader.  He is continually asking if I need anything and will deliver whatever I need without a complaint (even in the middle of the night). He is making trips to the grocery store and washing dishes.  He does research and goes into the doctor's office with a list of questions.  And most importantly, he leads our family in prayer.  Twenty-three years ago we stood in my childhood church and pledged to love each other in good and bad, sickness and health.  Our marriage is even stronger due to this disease.

1 Corinthians 13
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  

Despite our challenges the last few months, Avery and Alyse, have finished the school year strong; we are extremely proud of them - straight A's all year.  We are thankful for their small group leaders at church that have loved them, listened to them and prayed with and for them.

Thanks again for your love and support!  
"Praise God from whom all blessing flow."
We got this!


  1. Your words are a testament to what a good marriage should be. I do believe that, "You got this!"

  2. Every time I see you in the hall at Monrovia I just want to shout! Your hair is so beautiful. You have defied the odds and kept it! Red devil? No way! Our girl's getting Christmas Cheer! You go girl!

    I'm also quite thankful for my wonderful husband. He's stuck with me through it all. Our 29th wedding anniversary is this Sunday (I didn't realize our anniversaries were so close!), and I've been battling health issues the entire time. "A good man is hard to come by," and I'm quite thankful that I have one of the good ones! And obviously, you do too. I love you sweet lady!
