Wednesday, December 23, 2015


Merry Christmas!
It is hard to believe that 2015 is coming to a close.  We are anxiously looking forward to a wonderful New Year; each and everyday is a wonderful gift!

I am continuing to enjoy my new retirement and some days I feel totally like my "old self".  I had a good checkup with my oncologist last week.  I'll see the radiation oncologist in January and have a 6 month PET Scan in early March.  Mark is doing great and the girls continue to make us very proud.  

In the Christmas story in the gospel of Luke we are told:
19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.  
Luke 2:19

I pray that each of us 'treasure' and 'ponder' not only during the Christmas season, but every day.  Treasure the gift of our Savior Jesus Christ.  Treasure the many blessing God has given us.  Treasure our family and friends.  Treasure wonderful memories of loved ones that are no longer here on earth with us.  We also need to ponder; ponder what it is that Christ is up to in our lives. Be still, listen, ponder.

Thank you again for helping our family during the unexpected events this year.  We are looking at every day events a little different these days.  We treasure them all.  We are so thankful to God for His healing, peace, and strength.  Praise God from whom all blessing flow!

We did not mail out Christmas Cards this year, but we did have a fun night at home.  
Merry Christmas from the McBrayers 2015 from Amanda Y. McBrayer on Vimeo.

Hope you have a laugh - we sure did.  
Merry Christmas!

Friday, September 25, 2015

All Clear.... Plus some Violet

I had a PET Scan Monday, September 21, and Mark and I went to the appointment with my oncologist Thursday, September 24, to hear the results.  Appointment day was super emotional.  But the day ended with tears of joy!  Praise be to King Jesus!  My PET scan was clear! 

After my doctors appointment I went to Target for some "therapy".  I am a thrifty nerd and was using the Cartwheel App to check for coupons on the items I was purchasing.  I am certain that Cartwheel was the only App open on my phone, since I often make sure all Apps are closed to save battery (nerdy me). 

True story. 

I really can not make these things up.

As I stand looking at socks, totally out of the blue, my phone loudly starts playing a song.  Can anyone guess what song was playing? 
No. Kidding.........
"Stronger" by Kelly Clarkston was suddenly blaring in the middle of Target.  I have shared in the past how this was my sister's fight song.

Read about "Stronger" here.

So now, I am a crying lady, looking around for someone to share this moment with in the middle of Target.  I fumble with my phone and see that somehow Pandora has opened and started playing. 


I do not believe this was a coincidence.  It was an intentional reminder for me that I have a Big God and  Big Sister that are watching over me.  A God Moment. 

I love October and all the pink associated with it.  But, did you know that September is Lymphoma Awareness month?  I am excited to participate in the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Light the Night walk in Huntsville.  Would you consider joining me? 


 I will have blood work checked in 3 months and another PET Scan in about 6 months.  Our family is so thankful for your support and love.  We are so blessed.

I pray that each of us look for the God Moments in our lives. 
I pray for friends and family that continue to battle cancer.
I pray that each of us continue to seek our strength from our Heavenly Father.

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Psalm 46:1

Friday, August 28, 2015


Treatment is complete!  I finished the radiation treatments at the end of July, right before school started for us.  I was just beginning to really feel the physical effects of the radiation about the time that the treatment was drawing to a conclusion.  My neck and chest were beginning to resemble a piece of toast left in the oven too long.  Thankfully after the old roasted skin was gone (imagine scrapping the burned black edges on a piece of toast) I have beautiful new fresh baby skin; I've never looked younger! (lol)

As I was finishing up my treatment regime, our family was gearing up to start another school year.  After much prayer and consideration, as a family, we decided that it was time for me to retire again.  This is my third "retirement" and it has never felt better!  I am so thankful for the wonderful friends at Monrovia Elementary School; the teachers and staff at MES made the last few months in the Spring bearable.  They were extremely kind, helpful and loving to our family and I will miss them and the children very much this school year.  BUT, I am LOVING being at home and focusing on our family, gaining my strength, and working to strengthen my relationship with the Lord.

Mark and I were blessed to be able to attend our church's youth Back to School Retreat (along with over 300 awesome youth and leaders) a few weeks ago.  The name of the retreat this year was "Pause".  The theme was "I will hit pause in my life so that I might rest in God and have lasting joy!"  I hope the messages taught over the weekend meant as much to the youth as they meant to me.  I am pressing pause.  Our family has dropped a few activities so that we are not running from here to there every day and we are striving to divert that energy to more Kingdom work.  I pray that each of us are able to PAUSE and focus on what is most important; our relationship with God and our relationships with others.

The next big event on my medical calendar is a PET scan in September.  We are praying that the PET scan confirms that all the lymphoma is gone and there are no more cancer cells in my body. 

Our family appreciates your continued prayers.  We also ask that you pray for friends that are still in an active fight against cancer. 

I pray that each of you are able to PAUSE and rest in God and have lasting Joy!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Rockin' Radiation

I began daily radiation treatments on June 24 and am about half way through the treatments.  I go to the clinic daily and see the Radiation Oncologist weekly.  I am happy to share that I have felt very few side effects.  I do have some strange "tingles" a few hours after the treatments, but nothing like side effects from the chemo - I'll take "tingles" any day! The radiation is focused on my chest and neck area and I have not had too many issues with my skin thus far.

The doctors gave permission for me to continue with some of our summer plans.  The girls, my Mother and I had a fantastic trip in June!  The pace was fast, but I did have time to rest in between seeing fantastic sights.  We were all thrilled to be able to travel together; I celebrated big at the Eiffel Tower.  The jump wasn't quite as good as my high school days, but I'm happy that I did make if off the ground!

My hair held on as long as possible, but I finally had to make the decision to get a buzz cut. I opted to go with the rocker look and kept a few bangs.  Wow, it is so much cooler than long hair; another great cut for the summer!

I will finish the radiation treatments around July 22.  I am scheduled to have a PET Scan in September to confirm that all the cancer is gone.  

Psalm 103:1-6
Praise the Lord, my soul;
    all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Praise the Lord, my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits—
who forgives all your sins
    and heals all your diseases,
who redeems your life from the pit
    and crowns you with love and compassion,
who satisfies your desires with good things
    so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

We praise God for forgiving our sin.  We praise God for healing.  We praise God for His love and compassion.  We praise God for providing us with friends and family to love and support us these months.  We have much to be thankful for.

Please continue to pray for our family as I go through the next few weeks and complete the radiation treatment.  Pray that the cancer is totally eliminated.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Chemo Complete! Now A Time for Rest

Praise God from whom all blessing flow!
Round 6 is in the past (May 21) and chemo is COMPLETE!  It is a fantastic feeling to know that portion of the treatment is behind me.  I slept through our 23rd wedding anniversary (May 23) but Mark continued to take extra good care of me.  After a week of resting at home, I was then able to recuperate at two places we really enjoy.

Pensacola Beach and Smith Lake.  

The next phase of my treatment plan is 3 weeks of daily radiation.  I count it a blessing that you must wait several weeks for all the chemo drugs to exit the body before you are able to begin radiation.  I am excited to have several weeks with NO treatment and only a few doctors appointments.  The timing could not have been more perfect.  My doctors have given me permission to travel on a long planned very exciting trip with my Mother and 2 daughters.  We are off to make some wonderful memories!  

We will be home from the trip just in time to begin radiation the week of June 22.  I will go to the clinic everyday, Monday thru Friday, for 3 weeks.  I completed the radiation "simulation" this week.  It included something like a CAT scan and also the creation of this really cool mold. 

 It is critical that I do not move during the radiation treatment. The affected lymph nodes were really close to my heart and lungs.  The goal is to zap only the portions of my body that had the lymphoma; I think this custom mold with me strapped to the table will do the job.

My hair continues to thin, but thus far I've decided not to shave the remaining hair.  I am happy with thick headbands, scarves, and hats - I still have a few scraggly bangs to pull to the front.

Matthew 11:28-29
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

I feel like our family has been given a time for rest.  God desires for each of us to rest with Him. 

Thank you to everyone that continues to pray for our family.  Prayers are being answered.  Prayer gives me strength.  Prayer gives us all strength.  

Thursday, May 21, 2015

In Sickness and In Health

Round 6 will be Thursday, May 21.  A great way to celebrate our last day of school, don't you think?!  The hair continues to fall out, but WOW I had an extra blessing with a super full head of hair to begin with.  Every morning Mark looks at me and says "Huh, this might be it" (time to shave it off).  I will see my Oncologist next week and hopefully confirm what's next.  The doctors have given us permission to make some summer plans - so we are excited about that!

The first several days after a treatment I am extremely lazy and no fun to be around.  This Saturday, May 23, is our 23rd Wedding Anniversary.  We have decided to postpone the celebration until a later date.  

I have always loved Mark.  But my guy has stepped up to support me, love me, listen to me whine and hug me when I'm down.  He is going to meetings for me and drives the girls to activities that I normally do.  He is my cheerleader.  He is continually asking if I need anything and will deliver whatever I need without a complaint (even in the middle of the night). He is making trips to the grocery store and washing dishes.  He does research and goes into the doctor's office with a list of questions.  And most importantly, he leads our family in prayer.  Twenty-three years ago we stood in my childhood church and pledged to love each other in good and bad, sickness and health.  Our marriage is even stronger due to this disease.

1 Corinthians 13
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.  

Despite our challenges the last few months, Avery and Alyse, have finished the school year strong; we are extremely proud of them - straight A's all year.  We are thankful for their small group leaders at church that have loved them, listened to them and prayed with and for them.

Thanks again for your love and support!  
"Praise God from whom all blessing flow."
We got this!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Answered Prayers

I had a PET Scan last Friday, May 1.  It is always a strange feeling when a nurse enters the room with what looks like a secret metal box and inserts a strange liquid into your IV.  The nurse tells you that she will see you in one hour and then they close the door with the "Warning Radioactive" sign on it.

We met with my oncologist Tuesday, May 5, and received the great news that the cancer is responding to the chemo.  My PET scan showed no cancer activity in the affected lymph nodes.  This is very positive!  Thank you for praying for the chemo to kill the cancer.  Our prayers are being answered!

Mark and I had gotten our hopes up that chemo might be over.  But, I will need to do a couple of more rounds of chemo; but still less than the original plan.  We know that God has a plan and if more chemo is part of that plan, then we are ready.  I might not be excited about it, but I am moving forward and closer to completion.  Round #5 is schedule for tomorrow, Friday, May 8.  I will then celebrate the last day of school with Round #6 on May  21.  

Radiation Therapy was part of the original plan as well, but we are still uncertain based on the clear PET scan and discussions with the Oncologist if we will not do any or do a reduced dosage - we meet with the Radiation Oncologist Tuesday. Please pray for clarity, it may be a decision we make based on statistics and studies.

God gives us just what we need at just the right time and he uses friends and family as His tools.  I am blessed to be able to continue to go to school many days.  One morning last week there was a happy on my desk when I arrived.  This Willow Tree™ Angel of Courage was on my desk - at the perfect time.   I love her raised arms - raised in praise, victory,  and determination.  

I know we continue to say it, but THANK YOU for all of the prayers, kind words, meals, cards, support, and love.

Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. Psalm 27:14 

Thursday, April 30, 2015

What's Next?

Round #4 is behind us.  Mark's proclamation against the Red Devil, renaming it Christmas Cheer, seems to have scared it away a bit. (read about it here)  The nurses ask if I am wearing a wig and are surprised when I say "NO!".  I have lost a TON of hair, had to use Drano in the sink due to hair clogs, but am thankful for the blessing of thick hair.  I had a lot to lose.

I tolerated Round #4 well.  My Mother was able to be with us; things are always better when Mom is around.  I was much more tired after this treatment.  I have always been a good sleeper. But following this treatment I enjoyed 10 hours at night and a couple of 2 hours naps a day - I am definitely getting my beauty sleep.  I am getting more energy each day and I am trying to enjoy the beautiful Spring weather with a little walk in the evenings.  It is a different pace than I am accustomed too and I am still learning to stop and smell the roses.

While Mark and I were at my treatment last Friday a dear group of girl friends blessed our home.   I came home from the chemo feeling green, and my spirits were brightened to find scripture and encouraging words all around our house.  By the coffee pot, in the silverware drawer, on the mirrors, in the girls bedrooms, in the spice cabinet, etc.  You are not able to escape the nausea, but little signs from those cheering you on helps. 

I will have a PET scan tomorrow, Friday May 1, to determine how the cancer has responded to the 4 rounds of chemo.  Next week we will get the results and learn the next step of my treatment plan.  I feel selfish to wish that the chemo will end and that I can begin radiation.  I know God has the plan and it will be good.

Please join our family in praying for good results from the PET scan.  
Please pray that we are all prepared emotionally for whatever the next step of treatment will be.  

Thank You to everyone that has been with us each step of the way.  Delicious meals, uplifting cards, and sweet words mean so much!

Friday, April 17, 2015

Jumping Hurdles

"I believe in miracles and blessings; both great and small.  I believe in the human spirit to prevail.  I believe in possibilities."  With our Mighty God, this is so true.  These words were on a card I received from a sweet friend.

Round #3 is behind us (Friday, April 10).  It was tougher for me than Round #2.  I think it was harder because I actually had 2 days prior to the treatment that I "felt like myself".  After you feel 'good' if makes the difficult times a bit more challenging.  I got the white blood cell booster shot on Monday and was able to make it back to work on Wednesday.  We continue to be blessed with caring friends and family taking care of us.

I am fortunate that we now know the plan and schedule for the next few weeks  I will have Round #4 Friday, April 24.   A PET scan is scheduled for Friday, May 1; the PET will show how the cancer cells are reacting to the chemo.  Further course of treatment will be determined after the PET scan.

There are so many people that have been fighting this terrible disease for a very long time. Many of us have loved ones that have bravely battled cancer.  Many of us have friends and family that are battling right now.  Some have been fighting for months or even years.  They are the strong ones.  They are the brave ones.  These courageous warriors and their families need our prayers for strength.

My Dad and Sister,Kim, each battled this disease for many years.  They both fought with dignity and bravery.  My Dad went to heaven in June 6,1992 and Kim joined him on June 30, 2013.

Kim's cell phone ring tone was Kelly Clarkson's "Stronger".  I think it was sort of like her fight song.  To those around her, Kim was the epitome of strength.  The afternoon that we received the surprising news that I might have lymphoma, Mark and I met at church to pray with one of our pastors.  We were driving separately since Mark was meeting me straight from work.  After our time at church, we went back to our separate cars to drive home.  My car radio was on XM The Pulse - guess what song was on the radio exactly when I started the ignition?  Yep. "Stronger".   When I told the story to Avery, she said, "No body plays Stronger anymore; especially The Pulse".  That song playing at that exact time was NOT a coincidence. I know it was a God moment with Kim right there beside Him.  

We always enjoy a good Southern prayer before our meals (hoping the food doesn't get too cold as Mark prays).  This Easter as we gathered around the table, at the conclusion of the prayer for some funny reason Alyse wanted to us to join in and sing a song.  No one in our family is blessed with a singing voice, so we all grinned and giggled and joined right in.  She began leading us in singing the Doxology (you know it, right?).

  1. Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow;
    Praise Him, all creatures here below;
    Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
    Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

Well, I have been singing the Doxology in my head since Easter.  Whenever I lay down for a nap, I sing the Doxology.  When we sit down to eat, I sing the Doxology.  Actually I think it is very appropriated.  We are made (created) to praise Him.  

This quote was also on the card I received......

"I believe that hurdles in life are meant to be jumped over, not as something to stop us."  

We are jumping over a hurdle, but our family wants to Praise God as we do it!

(from TN Warrior Dash a few years back)

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Letting Go

With 2 treatments behind us, we are rapidly approaching treatment #3.  

Round 2 was Friday, March 30.  Thanks to many prayer warriors specific prayers for less nausea, I tolerated the chemo better the second time around.  I started the meds earlier and stayed ahead of 'that feeling' and had less nausea.  Praise God!!  I was surprised that my white blood cell count was low, but this is to be expected.  The day after chemo, I received a Neulasta shot.  Neulasta is a drug that stimulates the growth of white blood cells to help the body fight infection.  I had heard about the side effects of the dreaded shot; extensive bone pain due to the marrow rapidly multiplying.  Thankfully, I had an exhausted body, but no bone pain! 

Mark's positive attitude about my hair might be scaring the Red Devil (aka Christmas Cheer) away.  Luckily, I started with a super thick head full; I am shedding and probably down to a 'normal' head of hair now.  Avery tells me I need to be wearing a hair net while in the kitchen. Eeeek!

Round 3 will be tomorrow, Friday, April 10.

I believe one of the most challenging things I am learning is that I must let go.  I can not do all the things I normally do.  I need to sit back and smell the roses.  I need to let go and let God.  This past week 4 sweet girl friends came over and pulled weeds and raked leaves from our landscaping.  I enjoy working in the yard, but have  realized it is more important for my body to rest.  I love a trip to Target, but instead, let a kind friend make the Target run for me.  We are blessed with caring friends bringing dinner, instead of working in the kitchen I can take an afternoon nap.   It is very humbling. 

A friend gave me this little heart (one of the friends that worked in the yard and did shopping for me).  I have been carrying it in my pocket.  At times like this we get strength from others.  It is a joy each day when I go to the mailbox and find a card someone mailed me showing their support and love.  At times like this we MUST get our strength from God.

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.  Isaiah 40:31

We appreciate your continued prayers for our family.   We appreciate the strength you provide. 

After two more treatments I will have a PET Scan to determine the effectiveness of the chemo thus far.  Please pray that the chemo drugs totally kill the cancer cells.

Much Love.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Round 2

My next chemo treatment will be Monday, March 30.  

Last week I really began to dread the next treatment; the thought of it and I would feel nauseous.  Red Gatorade would make me nauseous because it reminded me of Christmas Cheer.  I felt like a wimp because I knew I needed to be strong, get strong and get ready for Round 2.

At the midpoint between my treatments I had the perfect morning devotion.  My devotion shared that when your mind is focused on a negative, you do not see God's gifts.  I was focused on the side effects of the treatment and how it might make me feel; the nausea, the weakness and neuropathy, the sore mouth.  We should instead thank God for whatever is preoccupying our mind.  That morning I thanked God for the powerful medicines.  I thanked God that I had insurance to help pay for the medicine.  I thanked God that I was strong enough to take the medicine.  I worked to replace the 'dread' with 'thanksgiving.'  I have much to be thankful for.

Sacrifice thank offerings to God, fulfill your vows to the Most High. Psalm 50:14

We had a lovely Spring Break Week on Hilton Head Island, SC.  We relaxed and I succeeded in 'bulking up' in preparation for Round 2 and gained 5 pounds.  (NEVER have I needed to gain weight, so this was good fun!)

I guess it is a lot like a boxing match.  You go in the ring and you might get beat up a bit in Round 1.  Your body gets a little break, but you must get ready for Round 2.  I am ready for Round 2 and I have the best coach on my side of the ring.  We got this!

I love the song "Overcomer" by Mandisa.  Mandisa says it best:

You're an overcomer
Stay in the fight ‘til the final round
You're not going under
‘Cause God is holding you right now
You might be down for a moment

Feeling like it's hopeless
That's when He reminds You
That you're an overcomer

I am thankful that right now I still have hair, but I will be ready if Christmas Cheer wins the battle for the hair - wonderful girl friends surprised me with a 'hat shower'.  
We are thankful that my bone marrow biopsy came back clean!
We are thankful for the many prayers offered on our family's behalf.  
We are thankful for friends and family taking care of us and helping us through each round.

Please pray for Mark, the girls, and I as we go in for Round 2 on Monday, March 30.

Thank you and much love!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Hair

My first treatment (Friday, March 13) went well.... I think. 

Again, we had a super sweet nurse (at Clearview Cancer Institute) taking care of us on what could be a very nerve wrecking day.  Thank you to the many people praying for us; I felt calm and ready as each new drug was administered.  One of my meds is nick-named "The Red Devil" because of it's bright red color and the 'wonderful' way it can make you feel.  Mark immediately told the nurse, "We are going to call it Christmas Cheer!"  We know how important it is to have a positive attitude and we are thankful for each of you encouraging us daily.

The first few days were not easy, but I feel much better now and the beautiful sunshine in North Alabama has certainly helped as well.  We are thankful for wonderful friends taking care of us while I felt the worst.  We are thankful that my strong Mother was with us to offer experienced advice.  It seems that each day brings a new side effect, but I am ready to tackle each one and learn something new before the next treatment.

Christmas Cheer is also the drug that will make me loose my hair.  I have had long hair forever.  Mark tried his very best to convince the doctors and nurses that I would not loose my hair, but it sounds like Christmas Cheer usually wins.

I have had shorter hair over the years.  Usually the shorter my hair, the wider my hair.

 I decided to be proactive and get my hair cut short before Christmas Cheer takes action.  I donated my hair to Pantene Beautiful Lengths.  Beautiful lengths is a partnership between the American Cancer Society and Pantene.
Wow, I didn't remember my hair being so curly, but I am very pleased with my summer cut!

I work at an elementary school; I went back to work on Tuesday. I shared with the children at school what is going on and they were very supportive and love the summer cut.  I am so thankful for a special group of 'cleaning fairies' that show up in my computer lab each day after school to scrub away all the germs.  Employees at MES are the best!

Friday will begin our Spring Break.  We are extremely thankful that we will travel with Mark's parents for the week; it will be a great time with family relaxing and getting my energy up for the next round.

Prayer requests:
Side effects quickly diminish; I need to 'bulk up' before my next round which is scheduled for March 30.
I am able to stay healthy while working around children each day.
Mark and the girls as they learn to deal with a Mom that is not 100%.

Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes.   Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight.            1 Peter 3:3-4               

Friday, March 13, 2015

It's Friday.....

It's Friday.... my first chemo treatment is today.

We had a very busy week, but everything went well.  I completed baseline test on my lungs and heart and met with my new radiation oncologist.  My "Power Port" surgery was Tuesday and must say I love Madison Hospital and their staff; we are thankful to have them in our community.  God puts people where you need them, when you need them.  A sweet nurse friend, Shari, was the nurse for the birth of Avery and Alyse.  We are thankful that she is at Madison Hospital and was with us for my lymph node biopsy and port install surgeries. 

Last Saturday I shared this blog.  Many more people became aware of what our family was facing.  Sunday morning I was a bit anxious as I headed to church.  I was anxious because I didn't want to feel like the "white elephant" in the room.

This song came on the radio.  I know that God speaks to me through song. 

I think it is "Friday" for the McBrayers.  We are at Friday in our battle against this disease, but I know Sunday is coming and boy is it going to be great!  I can't wait to see how God uses our family.

We were told "it looks like lymphoma" on Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent.  During Lent Christians try re-focus our lives to be more in line with Jesus.  During this Lent Season our family is certainly striving to be in line with the great things God has planned for us. 

Please pray for my body to stay strong and tolerate the chemo drugs today.

The verse for my devotion this morning:
 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

Its Friday, but Sunday is Coming!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Here we go!

It has been two and a half weeks since the initial “Oh, Wow, what is that!”

This week we were told that I have Hodgkin lymphoma.  It has been tense at times, but we were blessed with several snow/ice days at home together and we are relieved that we know what we are dealing with after only 14 days; many people wait much longer.  We are thankful that things seem to be moving quickly.

My PET Scan showed that the affected area was only in the chest/neck area.  Nothing below the diaphragm; this is great news!  This type of cancer is treatable.  We are thankful.  My initial treatment plan is about 2 months of chemo and then a PET Scan to confirm it is killing the bad cells.  Then about 2 more months of chemo, followed by 3 weeks of daily radiation.  We are hoping that this does not put too much of a “hick-up” in our summer.  We so enjoy time hanging by the pool, relaxing at the lake and family fun on Pensacola Beach.

Yesterday I had a bone marrow biopsy.  They gave me the Michael Jackson sleeping drug; it worked great and Mark was happy I woke up.  We pray that nothing shows up in the bone marrow.

Next week is super busy with appointments to baseline my lungs and heart.  I will also meet with the radiologist and have the cath-a-port installed.  The first chemo treatment is schedule for Friday, 3/13. 

So, here we go!  Regretfully our family has a lot experience in this fight.  But we are strong, we have a GREAT God in our corner.  We got this!

Please pray for all the wonderful nurses and doctors we have met.
Please pray for our girls and my nieces and nephew, Mark, his parents and my Mother.
Please pray for strength for us this week through a busy schedule of appointments and procedures. 
Please pray that my body stays strong and that I tolerate the chemo drugs well.

Be joyful always.  Pray continually. Give thanks in all circumstances. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

We have so much to be thankful for! 
We are thankful for each of you offering prayers to our Heavenly Father on our behalf.

Much Love
Mark and Amanda