Thursday, April 9, 2015

Letting Go

With 2 treatments behind us, we are rapidly approaching treatment #3.  

Round 2 was Friday, March 30.  Thanks to many prayer warriors specific prayers for less nausea, I tolerated the chemo better the second time around.  I started the meds earlier and stayed ahead of 'that feeling' and had less nausea.  Praise God!!  I was surprised that my white blood cell count was low, but this is to be expected.  The day after chemo, I received a Neulasta shot.  Neulasta is a drug that stimulates the growth of white blood cells to help the body fight infection.  I had heard about the side effects of the dreaded shot; extensive bone pain due to the marrow rapidly multiplying.  Thankfully, I had an exhausted body, but no bone pain! 

Mark's positive attitude about my hair might be scaring the Red Devil (aka Christmas Cheer) away.  Luckily, I started with a super thick head full; I am shedding and probably down to a 'normal' head of hair now.  Avery tells me I need to be wearing a hair net while in the kitchen. Eeeek!

Round 3 will be tomorrow, Friday, April 10.

I believe one of the most challenging things I am learning is that I must let go.  I can not do all the things I normally do.  I need to sit back and smell the roses.  I need to let go and let God.  This past week 4 sweet girl friends came over and pulled weeds and raked leaves from our landscaping.  I enjoy working in the yard, but have  realized it is more important for my body to rest.  I love a trip to Target, but instead, let a kind friend make the Target run for me.  We are blessed with caring friends bringing dinner, instead of working in the kitchen I can take an afternoon nap.   It is very humbling. 

A friend gave me this little heart (one of the friends that worked in the yard and did shopping for me).  I have been carrying it in my pocket.  At times like this we get strength from others.  It is a joy each day when I go to the mailbox and find a card someone mailed me showing their support and love.  At times like this we MUST get our strength from God.

But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.  Isaiah 40:31

We appreciate your continued prayers for our family.   We appreciate the strength you provide. 

After two more treatments I will have a PET Scan to determine the effectiveness of the chemo thus far.  Please pray that the chemo drugs totally kill the cancer cells.

Much Love.


  1. Strong prayers and love coming your way for round #3!

  2. Your positive energy radiates all around you. I'm proud to say I know you.
